[English] ~한지는 꽤 됐다 / ~한지 얼마 안됐다
~한지는 꽤 됐다: It has been quite a long time since S + V
~한지 얼마 안됐다: It hasn’t been very long time since S + V
제가 운전면허증을 딴지는 사실 좀 오래 됐는데요
It’s actually been quite a long time since I got my driver’s license.
근데 본격적으로 운전을 시작한지는 얼마 안됐어요.
But it hasn’t been very long (time) since I really started driving.
일을 시작하고 나서야 운전할 일이 생겼거든요.
It was only after I started working that I needed to drive.
시간이 좀 걸렸지만, 주차하는게 한번 익숙해지고 나니까 크게 어렵진 않더라구요.
It took some time, once I got used to parking, it wasn’t that hard.
제가 독립한지는 꽤 오래 됐는데.
It’s actually been quite a while (long time) since I got my place.
요리를 본격적으로 하기 시작한지는 얼마 안됐어요.
It hasn’t been very long since I really started to cook.
제가 먹을거에 돈을 얼마나 많이 쓰는지를 알고 나서야 요리를 해야되겠다는 생각이 들었어요.
It was only after I found out how much I was spending on food that I felt the need to start cooking.
시간이 좀 걸리긴 했는데 장보러 다니는게 한번 익숙해지고 나니까, 크게 어렵지 않더라구요.
It took some time, but once I got used to going groceryshopping, it wasn’t that hard.
- https://youtu.be/4r7DVei1ky8