English,  Fancy Expression

[English] 원래 ~하려 했는데 / ~하게 됐다

was / were going to: ~을 하려고 했다.


나 원래 친구들 몇명이랑 영화 보고 같이 점심 먹으려 했는데, 친구 하나가 갑자기 일이 생겨서 결국 다 취소하게 됐어.
I was actually going to go to the movies with some friends and we were going to have lunch together but one of them suddenly had something to do so we ended up cancelling the whole thing.

원래 상급 모델을 사고 싶었는데, 돈이 좀 부족해서 결국 이걸로 사게 됐어.
I actually wanted to buy (get) a higher model, but I didn’t have enough money. So, I ended up buying (getting) this one.

원래는 해외여행을 계획했는데 표 못구해서 결국 아무데도 못가게 됐어.
We were actually planning to travel abroad but we couldn’t get tickets so eventually we couldn’t go anywhere.

원래 디저트 진짜 안먹으려고 했는데 케익이 너무 맛있어 보이는거야.
그래서 안먹을 수가 없었어.
I really wasn’t going to eat any desert but the cake looked so good.
I couldn’t resist.

원래는 얘기를 안하려고 그랬었어. 근데 너가 얘기를 꺼내서 말인데 사실 궁금한게 하나 있어.
I wasn’t going to say anything but since you bring it up, I have something I want to ask you.

그 학생들 원래 공부하려고 했는데, TV에서 야구경기해서 계속해서 공부 할 수 없었어.
The students were going to study, but TV shows baseball game. So They couldn’t study continuously.

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