English,  Fancy Expression

[English] look, look like

특정한 상황을 묘사할 때 사용하는 단어로 look, look like 등이 쓰인다.


방금 여기 오는 길에, 혼자서 방황하는 개를 봤어.
Just now, on my way here, I saw a dog (that was) wandering around by it self.

굉장히 지저분해 보였어.
It looked really dirty.
(지각동사를 be 동사 대신 쓰도록 한다.)

몇 달은 못씻은것처럼 보였어.
It looked like it hadn’t taken a bath in several months.

보나마나 주인도 없는 개였는데,
It was pretty clear (=obviously) (that) it didn’t have an owner,

가장 최악이었던 것은 애가 너무 마른거야, 마치 가죽이랑 뼈 밖에 안남은것처럼 보였다니깐.
The worst thing was the dog was so skinny, it almost looked as if (like) it had nothing left but (except) skin and bones.

걔는 친절한 사람처럼 보였어.
She looked like a kind person.

그 식당이 아직 열려있는 것 처럼 보여.
It looks like the restaurant is still open.

걔 어떻게 생겼어?
How does he look like?

장어는 길고 뱀처럼 생겼어.
Eels are long and look like snakes.


  • https://youtu.be/KAobd9KregY

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