[English] 관계절
사람을 지칭할 때 (who)
- active people vs. someone who are active
위 두 문장은 같은 의미로 “활동적인 사람들”을 뜻한다.
저는 너무 활동적인 사람은 좀 별로예요.
I don’t like people who are too active.
위 예시 문장은 “활동적인 사람”을 표현하는데, 사람을 지칭해서 표현하기 위해 관계절을 사용하는게 좋다.
나는 열정적인 사람들을 좋아해.
I like people who are passionate.
만약 위 예시 문장에서 확장해 “+자기 일에 대해서+ 열정적인 사람이 좋아” 라는 표현을 하고자 할 때 관계절을 통해서 가능하다. 즉, 관계절이 없는 방식으로는 표현하기 힘들다는 뜻이다.
나는 자기 일에 대해서 열정적인 사람이 좋아.
I like people who are passionate about what they do.
저는 연예인에 집착하는 사람들이 잘 이해가 안가요.
I don’t understand people who are obsessed with celebrities.
(be obsessed with/about S/T: ~에 대해 집착하다, be가 아닌 get, become도 가능하다)
나는 겨울에 추위를 잘 안타는 사람들이 잘 이해가 안가.
I don’t understand people who don’t get easily cold.
난 자기 외모에 아주 예민한 친구들이 몇명 있어.
I have a few friends who are very sensitive about how they look.
걔는 본인이 원하는것에 대해 되게 항상 명확한 그런 류의 사람이야.
She is the kind of person who is always clear about what she wants.
저는 다른 사람들에 대해서 항상 비판적인 사람들은 이해가 잘 안가요.
I don’t understand people who are always critical of others.
저는 모든 것에 대해서 항상 부정적인 사람들을 별로 안좋아해요.
I don’t like people who are always negative about everything.
저는 SNS에 유난히 많이 집착하는 친구들이 몇명 있어요.
I have a few friends who are particularly obsessed with social media.
걔는요 모든 것을 자기 스스로 하고 싶어하는, 그런 류의 사람이에요.
He is the kind of person who wants to do everything on his own.
Example 2
새로 나온 어벤져스 영화표를 샀는데 바빠서 못갈거 같아.
I got tickets to the new Avengers movie, but I’m so busy I don’t think I can go.
아직 안본 사람한테 그냥 줄까봐.
I think I’m just going to give it to someone who hasn’t seen it yet.
너네 형한테 줘.
Give it to your brother.
에이 안돼, 그러고 싶진 않아.
No way man, I don’t want to do that.
왜 안돼?
Why not?
너가 몰라서 그래, 우리 형은 이런 작은 선물같은 것은 아무렇지도 않게 그냥 받는 사람이야.
You don’t understand, my brother is the kind of person who just takes small gifts like this, like it’s nothing.
이런 배려를 고마워할 줄 모르는 사람한테 줄 필요 없어.
I don’t need to give it to someone who doesn’t appreciate a good gesture like this.
(a good gesture: 배려)
그래, 그럼 그 영화를 정말로 보고 싶어하는 사람을 찾아봐.
OK, then, find someone who really wants to watch that movie.
Who를 주어가 아닌 목적어로 쓰는 경우도 많다. 다음 예문을 살펴보자.
Example 3
배울점이 많은 사람
Someone who I can learn a lot from
Someone who you can learn a lot from
전적으로 믿을 수 있는 사람
Someone who I can really trust
나랑 공통점이 많은 사람
Someone who I have a lot in common with
(have [a lot/little/more] in common with S/O: ~과 공통점이 많다/적다)
내가 좋아하는 사람은 마음이 통하는 사람이야.
I like the kind of person who I can really connect with.
걔는 모든걸 일일이 다 알려줘야 하는 사람이야.
He is the kind of person who you have to explain every little thing to.
(every little thing: 일일이)
뭐, 배울점이 그렇게 많은 사람 가지는 않더라.
Well, he surely doesn’t seem like the kind of person who you can learn a lot from.
(surely doesn’t seem like: is not을 조심스럽게 말 할 때 씀)
너가 전적으로 믿을 수 없는 사람한테는 그 얘기를 안하는 것이 좋을거 같아.
I don’t think you should tell that to anyone who you can’t fully trust.
지금도 좋은데 나랑 공통점이 좀 더 많은 사람을 만나고 싶은 마음도 있어, 무슨 얘긴지 알지?
It’s great now, but I feel like I want to meet someone who I have more in common with, do you know what I mean?
어, 너의 친구로서 말하는건데, 사실 너랑 마음이 완전 잘 통하는 사람 같지는 않더라.
Yeah, as your friend, he actually doesn’t seem like the kind of person who you can really connect with.
일일이 다 알려줘야 하는 사람이랑 일하는 것은 이제 질색이야.
I’m sick and tired of working with people who I have to explain every little thing to.
(be sick and tired of: 질색이다)
사람이 아닌 경우 (which)
관계절은 보통 뒤따르는 보충설명을 하고 싶을 때 사용한다.
- I got up around 7 o’clock this morning. It was a little earlier than usual.
- I got up around 7 o’clock this morning, which was a little earlier than usual.
위 두 문장의 차이는, which를 쓰지 않은 경우엔 마지막에 나오는 문장에 힘을 실어 말하는 느낌이고, which를 쓰는 경우엔 보충 설명을 해주는 느낌을 준다.
And then I had breakfast, I don’t do that very often unless I’m very hungry.
-> And then I had breakfast, which I don’t do very often unless I’m very hungry.
I left home before 8 o’clock and I took the bus. That‘s how I usually go to work.
-> I left home before 8 o’clock and I took the bus, which is how I usually go to work.
There was a meeting at work in the morning. It lasted more than 2 hours.
-> There was a meeting at work in the morning, which lasted more than 2 hours.
I got off work around 10pm. That’s pretty normal at my company.
-> I got off work around 10pm, which is pretty normal at my company.
I usually get to my office around 7am. It makes me hard-working.
-> I usually get to my office around 7am, which makes me hard-working.
I always take care of my baby every weekends. It takes me a lot of efforts.
-> I always take care of my baby every weekends, which takes me a lot of efforts.
While I was there, I saved half of what I earned. It was actually a lot easier than i thought.
-> While I was there, I saved half of what I earned, which was actually a lot easier than I thought.
I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. That was in fact the main reason (that) I wanted to take time off school.
-> I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, which was in fact the main reason (that) I wanted to take time off school.
난 걔 결혼식 못갈것 같아. 참고로 우리가 예전에 사귀었던 것이랑 상관없어.
I don’t think I can go to her wedding. Oh, and by the way, it has nothing to do with the fact that we used to date.
-> I don’t think I can go to her wedding, which by the way has nothing to do with the fact that we used to date.
(by the way: 참고로, have nothing to do with N: 상관이 없다)
We ended up spending a lot more than we had planned. I think it could’ve been avoided had I been in charge.
-> We ended up spending a lot more than we had planned, which I think could’ve been avoided had I been in charge.
(had I been in charge = if I had been in charge)
위에 문장에서 which I think 의 연결방식은 자주 쓰인다.
나 운전 연수 받기 시작했어. 한동안 해야겠다고 생각했었어.
I started taking driving lessons. I’ve been meaning to do it for a while.
-> I started taking driving lessons, which I’ve been meaning to do for a while.
(mean: 작정하다)
나 매일 아침 영어 영상을 보기로 했어. 한동안 해야겠다고 생각했었어.
I started watching video to learn English, which I’ve been meaning to do for a while.
We discussed several things during the meeting. Most of them were related to the upcomming event next week.
-> We discussed several things during the meeting, most of which were related to the upcomming event next week.
As far as I can tell, we have 3 options. And none of them are very good.
-> As far as I can tell, we have 3 options, and none of which are very good.
나는 매일 통근버스를 아침 일찍 타고 출근해. 내가 만약 회사 근처에 살았더라면 이런 일을 피할 수 있었을거야.
I take the shuttle bus to go to work every morning. I think I could avoid this if I live close to the company.
-> I take the shuttle bus to go to work every morning, which I think I could avoid if I live close to the company.
in which / of which / on which
Which는 전치사와 함께 붙어서도 사용이 가능하다. 아래 예문을 통해 이해할 수 있다.
These are very common topics in which you are all deeply educated.
-> All of these are very common topics, most of which you are deeply educated in.
Formal한 writing 에선 문장의 끝을 전치사로 끝나면 안된다는 규칙이 있기 때문에 위 예문의 첫 번째처럼 사용한다. 만약 편하게 하는 자리에선 두 번째처럼 사용이 가능하다.
We were involved in many different types of work in which we had absolutely no experience.
(have experience in + S/T: 경험이 있다.)
걔가 많은 기사들을 걔의 커리어동안 발표했는데, 많은 전문가들은 칭찬을 했어.
She has published many article throughout her career to which many
experts had given a lot of praise.
이 책들은 내가 10년간 읽은 것들인데, 이것으로부터 내가 지식과 통찰력을 얻었어.
These are all the books (that) I’ve read in the last 10 years from which I have gained a lot of knowledge and insight.
There is possibility that he knew about it but didn’t take any action. In that case, it could turn out to be much more complicated situation.
-> There is possibility that he knew about it but didn’t take any action, in which case, it could turn out to be much more complicated situation.
- https://youtu.be/cwLJDRLHlbg